Do you get off work and ride the same trails, with the same scenery and ride with the same group of friends? Have you grown bored of this, or have you recently wanted to explore some new places here in in Clearwater/Dunedin area after spending so much time at home? Then you really should try the #Dunedin Bike Tours, LLC!
Recently, the Owners of E-mobilize had the opportunity to take this wonderful local tour and had no idea what to expect. Especially Jake, as he was born and raised here in the Tarpon Springs area and LITERALLY knows every single trail within 30 miles or all the 'coolest' places to ride to. (He's an encyclopedia of Pinellas County/Pinellas Trail biking info.). So when the owner Russ of Dunedin Bike Tours offered them the opportunity to go on the tour, they jumped on it and they both loved it!!
You are guaranteed to see many things that you probably had no idea existed within the town of Dunedin. Even if, you're an 'OG' born and raised Floridian like E-mobilize Owner Jake! Lately, we have all been thinking of new things to try and places to go as our world gets safe again. Well, while you are planning trips in the future that are far from home destinations, take time now to support your local businesses and play tourist for the day! Honestly, at the end of a long week how horrible would it be to play tourist for the day, in the beautiful place we live?! Where thousands of people visit and spring break every year and they pay a lot of money to stay here, where we can step outside our front door and be home in time for lunch or our next Netflix marathon!